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Let’s Get Wellington Moving

1 min read

Let’s Get Wellington Moving

Feedback is being collected on Let’s Get Wellington Moving's (LGWM) plan for Wellington here. (Submissions close midnight 23rd May).

Among other changes they plan to remove cars from the 3 km of Golden Mile (GM) to make way for cycle ways and wider footpaths.  Instead all the side streets feeding the GM (like our Johnston St) will have a dead-end.  Even more car parks will be lost to create two way traffic on these side streets.

We understand everyone will have different views on the merits of these changes, however some points to consider asking:

  • Can our small city support 3km of mall?
  • Can we afford to lose 450-550 car parks, including mobility on Featherston, Victoria, Dixon, Ghuznee, Taranaki, Wallace and Johns Street, for more cycle ways?
  • Will these changes make you leave the car at home or simply drive  elsewhere.
  • Should we take cars off the Golden Mile (GM) and block the ends of the GM side streets from all general traffic?
  • Is our public transport reliable enough to remove these vehicle access routes?
  • Why are bus stops being removed?  Why can't buses pass another bus?
  • Has safety been considered? Especially in the evening once the buses stop and the city workers have left.  Consider Manners Mall after dark.
  • Will businesses survive the roadworks and upheaval?
  • In this uncertain economic climate is it appropriate to spend $8+ billion on LGWM? What will this expenditure mean for our future rates bills?

Drivers of larger trucks tell us they aren’t comfortable using a dead-end street for deliveries.
