Last days to order for pre-Christmas delivery:South Island and RD: Thursday 17th 9am.North Island Metro: Monday 21st 9am. 


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Shabana Jacobson

Shabana Jacobson

Contemporary Jeweller Shabana Jacobson has been making beautiful one-off pieces of jewellery for the last 14 years.

Having done a year of study at NMIT (diploma of engineering technology-specialising in jewellery) in 2011 to gain some valuable skills, she is mostly a self-taught jeweller. Her fine arts background is evident in all of her work and the combination of materials and various styles is a unique style of jewellery found in Shabana Jacobson's work. 

All production pieces are lovingly handmade in Melbourne by Shabana and her small team. Inspiration is drawn from the beauty and ugliness of the world around us, her many worldly travels, the smaller finer details, textures, forms and colours of our natural and manmade world and the sheer complexity of it.

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